Monday, January 30, 2012

Business 101 - Its the Culture Stupid!

One company started in a garage, another started in the founder's kitchen.  And both became number one independently in respective markets.   Both Triconex and Wonderware soared during a recession, tearing down barriers and creating new markets while forging intimate bonds with customers.  They were unique brands, building new solutions.  There were no boundaries, no limits.  

It's the culture, stupid!   Employees bought into it and only a few cashed out.   Not that there is anything wrong with the later, that's why they call them capitalists.  When times are good, investors are called angels, and when times are bad, they are called other names. 

The culture of employee-centric companies gave the buzz to investors, distributors, and finally customers themselves.  The marketing department could supply the party hats and swag, but it was the culture that branded them.   Products became solutions and the companies were your partners to help you grow. 

The History of a Safer World is a love story - about business.


  1. Sounds like a great company to work for..
    What happened to rest of big corporations not following this model? Oh back to Capitalist rip and replace lol

  2. Anyone can fall in love, not everyone can stay in love.
